Our Dinner Murder Mystery games are designed to play directly from your cellphone. If you prefer to print out your guest’s character pages you can do so, however we love the convenience of using a cellphone directly and this sets us apart from many other games out there. Often at games we have found that the lighting is dimmed and while paper might be hard to read, a backlit cellphone solves that problem. As a host you will still have a zip file to download to your PC with pertinent information to go over in preparation for your party. Also, there may be a few specific printed items needed for certain guests… such as the reading of a will, a map, a letter or such.
Each of our games have been thoroughly researched as far as the era and the location and have a feel of authenticity. We love what we do and take pride in a well-produced game. Our characters have personalities that are fun to play and your guests can get into them as much or as little as they choose.
Towards the end of the mystery after all the players have voted electronically, and before the solution is either played with our Audio mp3 Solution or read by a detective, we have a sharing time. Players sit in a circle and share one by one all of their secrets. (Except the murderer/villain does not share that part of their secrets as that is revealed in the solution.) This way your guests discover things going on right under their noses that will surprise them. If this is done prior to the solution being revealed the players are anxious to share what they know. Once the solution is played/read some players will be ready to head home. Others will want to hang out still and mingle some more.
There are a variety of games that we offer here at Dinner Murder Mystery including a 1920's murder mystery party, cowboys set in a western murder mystery, a pirate murder mystery, a London mystery game, a wine mystery game, and a data computer mystery game.